I've been exploring other blogs. Each blog by which I have been intrigued has had a hook, a point of view, something that distinguishes itself from other blogs that are similar in nature (i.e. potter's blogs). So I have reflected on what it is I have to offer, that other potter's don't. And, at least in the part of the world I find myself living, I have Judaism. At least m point of view as a Jewish woman creating Judaic pottery.
I am not sure where this will lead, how it will evolve or even if it will be a successful change in direction, but, it is what I have to offer, so I do, with respect and deference to the religious teachers & Rabbis from whom I have learned the Judaism I practice, including the those of Ethics of our Fathers, W. Gunther Plaut's Commentary on The Torah, and Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels, together with the writings of many, many authors of Jewish literature, including but not limited to, Isaac Beshevis Singer, Elie Weisel, Milton Steinberg, J.D. Salinger, Phillip Roth, Chaim Potok, Bernard Malamud, E.L. Doctorow and Norman Mailer.
I invite people to ask questions, make comments, debate (with respect) and add their perspective. I will say upfront that I having been raised in a Conservative Synagogue with a Conservadox Rabbi (in the 1950s!!!!) but tend toward Progressive Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism.
I am surprised, living in a town that has had a fairly large Jewish community since the 1800s, how few people know anything about Judaism. I went into a bakery I frequent just before Passover, and half kidding, asked if they had Matzoh. The owner of the bakery didn't know what it is. When I tell people I make Judaica, very few people know the word. I recently sculpted a piece called "Naomi & Ruth" and no one knew their story. To confess, I did not know that many Christians do not read what they call "The Old Testament." This surprises me, as well, inasmuch as this would be the text from which Jesus preached.
I do not want this to be a place to preach, but a place to teach and I will try to keep it relevant to the pieces of Judaica I create, how they are used and why. I don't even know how I will start, so I will say shalom for now. "Shalom" which has in it "hello", "goodbye" & "peace".
Penland hosting annual Community Open House Day this Saturday, Feb 22 from
1 PM to 5 PM
Community Open House
Saturday, February 22 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Each winter, Penland hosts our Community Open House, where visitors are
invited to try fr...
1 day ago
I would love to see the sculpture you mentioned "Naomi & Ruth". I want to see a clay artist's take on this wonderful story of respect, loyalty, and faith. I enjoy your blog very much!
a Pentecostal Preacher, high school teacher, and potter
Thanks for following my blog. My new post is in response to your request. I hope your endeavor in Guam goes well. I look forward to following the adventure.